Love is the supreme power in the universe. As the Bible teaches, “God is love.” Love, represented by the disciple John, is the activity that harmonizes, unifies, and heals. It is a magnet that attracts good in all forms. It is man’s nature to love. Without it, he is nothing. God as love abides in every person, constantly seeking expression, but is often suppressed and distorted by anger, fear, resentment, jealousy, and misconception. True love is not possessive or conditional; it is given freely to all. Love does not weaken, but rather strengthens. Love should be guided by wisdom so that we do not do for another what he needs to do for himself. If you would experience love, you must express love. Open yourself to the free flow of God’s love by thinking deeply on the idea of love. Read Paul’s poem on love in I Corinthians 13 often. As you concentrate on love, it will well up within you and flow forth to bless and to heal. You will become what you were created to be—love in expression.